How Can I Help You?

With more than 20 years of making the rules, interpreting the rules and enforcing the rules, I'm sure I can help in some way ...

Site Appraisal

It honestly surprises me how often people will rush into buying a piece of land or a property and then start to wonder what they can do with it. This is huge investment so at least get some advice first, it might save you a fortune in the long run ...


Sometimes it's worth thinking about a scheme in parts or as a journey. If you dive in and ask to go from A to Z you'll be told no. But if you make small steps, A-D, E-J, and so on, you may get to Z in the end. Let me help you suggest a roadmap to get you the best possible result.

Planning Appeals

Unfortunately there is a definite "The answers "no" unless you can convinced me otherwise" mentality in some Councils. This is completely contrary to the Government's stance but often driven by local rather than national opinion. I have won every appeal and court case I have taken part in. If you have no hope, I'll be honest (and look for an acceptable alternative). If I think permission should have been granted I'll fight tooth and nail to get you the result you deserve.

Pre-Application Advice

You have your land and you have your project - so how do you know if it will be found acceptable? As a consultant I can give you my opinion, but for more certainty why not apply to the Council for pre-application advice - it's informal, but well worth a go if its done right! It also gives us the opportunity to build a professional working relationship with the planning officer who will probably be making recommendations about your scheme in the end. Understanding the pressures they are under and ensuring that the application bundle makes their job as easy as possible is a skill you can really only get if you've been there - and I have!

Planning Applications

The application process has become more and more complicated over the years. There are examples of approvals that consisted of half a page of information and a couple of sketches - those days are gone! Don't forget the act of applying is only half the battle, then there's negotiation, response to consultees, presenting to elected Councillors and so on. I am used to working with multi-disciplinary teams and will ensure we form a project team that will work together to put the very best case forward for you.

Planning Enforcement

Sometimes things go wrong! It's a fact of life that we've all become more likely to complain post-Covid (I don't know why!). I will protect my integrity and always act professionally. But I also know there are times when enforcement action is ill-founded or just plain wrong. I will advise and represent you when you need me. The only ask from me - don't delay! Enforcement matters can escalate very quickly and it would be a shame to miss an opportunity because I am engaged at a late stage of the process.
As a Chartered Town Planning I enjoy the right of Direct Access.. This means I can instruct a Barrister directly on your behalf without needing to work through a solicitor. This can certainly save time.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, the most important one for you, on your planning journey, is choosing a consultant you can work with.